Green gifts

Show someone special how much you care with a gift that gives back to nature.

Our Green Gift wildlife and habitat sponsorship packages are the perfect ethical present, offering a thoughtful way to support a cause close to both your hearts.

Choose a one-time sponsorship or recurring annual gift to nurture nature for years to come. Packs include a certificate and informative fact sheet about your sponsored species or habitat.

These thoughtful e-gift packs make the perfect ethical present for any occasion.From Mother’s Day to Valentines, celebrate those special occasions with a living gift that will last a lifetime.

Fundraising regulator registered charity

Sponsor a living bouquet

Why send a bunch of flowers when you could support a whole wildflower meadow?

Wildflower meadows are one of the most threatened habitat types in Britain. In the last 75 years, 97% have been lost across the UK. Your sponsorship could support our work to restore and recreate swathes of wildflower meadows across the Wittenham Clumps, at our two River of Life wetland projects and on our community reserves.

Sponsor a living bouquet for £15


Sponsor a bat

Many bat species in the UK are in decline due to widespread and severe habitat loss. Earth Trust owns and manages important habitats for bats, with five bat species, including noctule and natterer’s bats, using Little Wittenham Wood and its surroundings for roosting.

Your sponsorship will help us to provide safe roosting areas and monitor our populations, as well as provide opportunities for people to come and learn more about bats and how to protect them. 

Sponsor a bat for £15

Sponsor a marsh tit

A mature woodland habitant, the marsh tit requires a healthy shrub layer to thrive. It is likely that changes in woodland shrub layers and their management have led to the rapid and serious national decline of marsh tits over the years.

Your sponsorship could allow us to maintain sensitive habitats in Little Wittenham Wood, providing favourable conditions for the marsh tit, and other species, and helping their populations to thrive. 

Sponsor a marsh tit for £15

Marsh tit

endangered uk great crested newts

Sponsor a great crested newt

The great crested newt is declining throughout Europe, largely due to loss of habitat. Because of this, and the fact that Britain is considered a stronghold, the newt is strictly protected.

The ponds in Little Wittenham Wood hold one of Britain’s largest known populations of great crested newt. Up to 3,000 animals breed in the ponds each year. Your sponsorship will help us look after and protect this crucially important woodland site into the future and to monitor newt populations. 

Sponsor a great crested newt for £15

Sponsor groves & hedgerows

Groves, shrubs and hedgerows are the living lungs of our landscape, acting as homes, food sources, and corridors for countless species. From the thousands of shrubs and bushes in our research woodland to the miles of hedgerows on Earth Trust Farm, we’re managing and improving these important, and beautiful habitats.

Help us to look after our precious trees and woodlands, for us and future generations.  

Sponsor a thicket for £30

Sponsor a grove for £75

Sponsor a 1/4 mile of hedgerow for £125