Deep concern at plans to dilute net zero policies

Urgent action is needed to combat the climate and nature emergency. But today, UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, announced plans to water down some of the government’s biggest green commitments around net zero – back pedalling on plans around fossil fuels, clean technology, recycling programmes and green vehicles. This threatens nature recovery, risks climate breakdown and undermines the economy.

We’ve joined hundreds of organisations – businesses, networks and charities – in the climate and nature sectors to urge the government to reconsider, by adding our name to two open letters to the Prime Minister:

Damaging the UK’s credibility as a good place for green investment

Along with over 400 NGOs and businesses, we have added our name to a joint letter cooordinated by E3G, which notes the lasting damage that weakening net zero policies will do to the UK economy.

Read the letter and see the list of signatories here

Weakening climate policies would be the historic mistake of Rishi Sunak’s premiership, which could do lasting damage to the UK economy.

Turning our backs on land and sea

We have also joined forces with national nature organisations, including the Marine Conservation Society, RSPB and the Soil Association, noting the contradiction in presenting the UK as a global leader on sustainability while weakening our own commitments to take action towards a better society and environment.

Read the letter and see the list of signatories here

Without firm and purposeful action now, we risk sacrificing future generations, the environment, and our economy in favour of misguided and short-sighted decisions.


We urgently need the government to reconsider and act in the best interest of people, planet and nature.

Now is not the time to delay in the face of the greatest threat facing the world. Now is the time for action.

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