Young Volunteers I Nature

Connecting with nature

In these young volunteer roles you’ll have the chance to be active outdoors and connecting with nature, supporting our rangers and land management work in community reserves around South Oxfordshire.

These are exciting areas of work where you could learn traditional country skills, like coppicing and scything, or take on wildlife surveys to monitor biodiversity. Some are physical, so you’ll need to be relatively fit, and others need less muscle power!

You’ll need access to your own transport to get to the locations but with reserves near to Didcot, Abingdon and Wallingford there may be one close by that suits you. Two of these roles can be done on any day, at any time that suits you, the other takes place on fixed days of the week.

This is a fun, hands on area of our work where you will be able to get out and about doing practical tasks.

Community Warden

Here you’ll be helping Earth Trust to manage green spaces across South Oxfordshire including five community reserves in and around Wallingford, Didcot and Abingdon and our flagship location, Wittenham Clumps.

Download the role profile

Earth Trust ranger Charley woodland management and habitat conservation

Land Management

Every Thursday and Friday our land volunteer teams are out, whatever the weather, helping to manage the community reserves in our care. You could join one of these friendly weekly teams, or a monthly work group on a Saturday.

Download the role profile

iRecord Surveyor

Our community reserves are home to a spectacular range of flora and fauna. To help protect and nurture these habitats it is essential to understand what species are there. This is where you come in!

Download the role profile