Reimagining Our Future

The following is a transcription of Jayne Manley’s speech at our recent Supporters Day event, marking her final address as CEO of Earth Trust.

“As I reflect on my time at Earth Trust and look to the future, I’m struck by the urgent need for action. The Earth sustains us, and neglecting its health jeopardises our own. This isn’t just a future threat – it’s a wake-up call for us all to take action, both in our personal lives and in the organisations we work for.

We face three interconnected challenges that demand our immediate attention:

1. Biodiversity Loss: The UK has seen a dramatic decline in biodiversity. According to the State of Nature report, we’ve witnessed a 50% decline in hedgehog populations since the 1950s. The Butterfly Conservation charity reports a staggering 70% decline in butterfly populations since 1976, with once common species like the meadow brown and small heath showing declines of 68% and 76% respectively. These aren’t just statistics – they’re alarm bells signalling the health of our ecosystems.

2. Mental and Physical Health Crisis: The Mental Health Foundation’s survey paints a concerning picture. Only 13% of people were found to be living with high levels of positive mental health. Nearly two-thirds of people have experienced a mental health problem, with higher rates among women, young adults, and those living alone. This isn’t just about individual wellbeing – it’s about the health of our society as a whole.

3. Climate Change: We’re experiencing increasingly extreme weather events that are impacting lives and livelihoods across the UK. The summer of 2022 marked a milestone in UK climate history, with temperatures exceeding 40°C for the first time. We’re also seeing more frequent and intense winter storms, causing significant damage to infrastructure and property. These aren’t isolated incidents – they’re part of a changing climate that demands our attention and action.

east oxford primary school visit to earth trust

Let me share three stories that illustrate Earth Trust’s impact:

1. Inspiring Future Generations: Our food growing initiatives are creating magical experiences for children. From picking carrots in our vegetable garden to observing skylarks and participating in hedgelaying, these experiences are fostering a positive outlook on the future among our youth.

2. Reimagining Development: Our Earth Lab project is a testament to how we can build nature into our developments. It’s becoming a hub for businesses to come together, inspire change, and become sustainability champions in their own right.

3. Transforming Land Use: We’re reimagining land use from the ground up – quite literally. From soil care and food production to energy generation and tree planting, we’re demonstrating how green spaces can be integrated into the fabric of our communities.

As I conclude my time as CEO, I want to emphasize the critical importance of reimagining our future together. The challenges we face are immense, but so too is our collective potential to create positive change. We need to envision and activate a sustainable world of thriving communities deeply connected to the natural world and green spaces.

Earth Trust is well-equipped to step into that future, but we need your continued support and engagement. Whether it’s through volunteering, spreading awareness, or advocating for sustainable policies, each of you has a crucial role to play.

Reflecting on my 12 years with Earth Trust, I’m filled with gratitude for the incredible community we’ve built together. You have been my inspiration throughout this journey – your passion, your difficult questions, and your unwavering commitment to facing environmental challenges head-on. The conversations we’ve had, the projects we’ve undertaken, and the progress we’ve made together have been an inspiration.

I have every confidence that you will continue to be a source of inspiration and support for the incoming CEO, just as you have been for me. As Earth Trust enters this new chapter, I encourage you to bring the same energy, curiosity, and dedication that has driven our success so far.

While it’s bittersweet to say goodbye, I leave with the knowledge that Earth Trust is in capable hands – both with the interim leadership and with all of you, our committed supporters and partners. The road ahead may be challenging, but I’m confident that together, you will continue to create a future where people and nature thrive in harmony.”

Thank you for being part of this remarkable journey. I look forward to seeing the incredible achievements yet to come.

CEO interim arrangement

As we transition to new leadership, we’ve implemented an interim arrangement to ensure continuity and maintain our momentum. Liz Buckle and Clare Fairbrother will be serving as Interim Co-CEOs, working closely with our experienced executive team. This collaborative approach will allow us to continue our important work without interruption.