News & Blogs
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Podcast Season 4 Episode 2: Art and nature in harmony
In this episode, we hear from our artist in residence, Nicola Fielding, about her journey as an artist, her deep connection with nature, and the intricate process behind her clay sculptures. -
OCC Chair commemorates Earth Trust relationship with Wittenham Rose Ceremony
Earth Trust welcomes the Oxfordshire County Council Chair to take part in a symbolic rose planting ceremony. -
Earth Trust green space management expands
Earth Trust has been awarded an expanded contract by South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils to manage additional nature reserves and community green spaces across Oxfordshire. -
Podcast Season 4 Episode 1: Celebrating our changemakers
As we celebrate Volunteers' Week, our volunteer manager, Nic Williams, talks about the value of volunteers to Earth Trust and her work as a matchmaker... -
Oxfordshire’s nature needs your vote
Earth Trust, along with other Oxfordshire charities, has adapted the national Nature 2030 campaign's policies into five crucial actions tailored for our county. -
Restore Nature Now
Find out why Earth Trust staff are joining thousands of other wildlife and climate campaigners at the Restore Nature Now march in London on Saturday, 22 June 2024. -
Celebrating our volunteers this Volunteers’ Week
As we celebrate Volunteers' Week, we're shining a spotlight on those who give their time to the community and inspire others to do the same. -
Introducing a new young volunteers programme
Earth Trust marks Volunteers' Week 2024 with news of a new Young Volunteers programme. -
Podcast Season 3, Episode 6: Bringing nature in to schools
Hear how we're inspiring children by bringing nature in to schools and classrooms across Reading -
A New Chapter: Announcement from Jayne Manley, our CEO
After 12 remarkable years as the CEO of Earth Trust, Jayne Manley has decided to step down from her role to pursue new opportunities. -
Wallingford Beach gains bathing destination status
A significant step in driving positive change for the health of our rivers and the people that enjoy them. But more needs to be done... -
Earth Trust Gallery returns for Oxfordshire ArtWeeks
Eight local artists exhibiting beautiful works inspired by the natural world.