Fundraising Code of Practice

Earth Trust relies upon philanthropic support to sustain and advance our mission and thus we are deeply grateful to all donors for their generous support. All fundraising on behalf of Earth Trust will be conducted by the fundraising team based at the Earth Trust Centre and we are dedicated to treating members, volunteers, supporters and donors with great care and respect. Earth Trust is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and Information Commissioner’s Office and is committed to achieving the highest standards of professional best practice, which we will demonstrate by adhering to the following:

We will:

  • Act with honesty, integrity and transparency when soliciting support.
  • Seek the appropriate consent to make fundraising solicitations and honour all requests regarding the frequency and manner of solicitation, as well as any other communication preferences.
  • Immediately cease solicitation from a supporter at their request.
  • Respect the donors’ rights to privacy and fully comply with the Data Protection Act (1998) and all other relevant legislation and regulation.
  • Appropriately acknowledge, recognise and publicise donations in consultation with donors, and respect anonymity where requested.
  • Provide progress reports and updates to donors on their supported activity.
  • Include the name of the fundraiser, their job role, their contact details, the designated purpose of the donation and the relevant registered charity number in all solicitation and fundraising materials.
  • Provide the charity’s most recent published financial accounts and other relevant financial information in an easily accessible format.

How your donation will be used:

  • All donations will be used to support the charitable objectives of Earth Trust.
  • Earth Trust will take the greatest care to ensure that donations are used to fund the project for which the gift was intended.
  • Undesignated donations will be used to fund the area of greatest immediate need (as identified by the CEO and Trustees).
  • Should the purpose for which the gift was originally intended no longer be viable, alternative uses for restricted donations will be discussed with the donor or the donor’s representative.
  • All donations will be acknowledged promptly.

Acceptance of Donations:

Earth Trust is extremely grateful for all support received. However, donations can only be accepted if:

  • The donation fits with the charitable objectives of Earth Trust.
  • The donation does not arise from illegal or unethical activity.
  • The donation will not require illegal action, damage the reputation of the Trust, present a conflict of interest or harm relationships with other constituents.
  • Donations will be declined in exceptional circumstances and the decision to do so will be taken by the CEO and Trustees.

Data collection, processing and consent:

  • Consent will be sought whenever possible and all documentation that is used to gather data, will state the purpose for which the information given will be used and processed.
  • Appropriate additional data will be gathered from relevant external sources such as the Charities Commission and various trust fundraising websites.
  • Earth Trust will undertake some basic analysis of the data we hold to determine whether an invitation to engage further with the Trust might be welcome.
  • All analysis and additional data gathering will be appropriate, relevant and respectful, with particular care for the privacy of the individual, inviting the individual to indicate their preference whenever possible.
  • Earth Trust supporters have the right to cease contact should they wish; to do so please contact [email protected]

Further Information & Contact:

For further information about Earth Trust’s communications and fundraising activity, please see our Privacy Notice.

To discuss our Fundraising Code of Practice or any other matter concerning fundraising activity, please contact our Fundraising Team on 01865 407792 or email [email protected]

Fundraising regulator registered charity