Earth Trust featured on BBC’s Countryfile

CEO Jayne talks to BBC Countryfile’s Tom Heap
With more people enjoying the many benefits of being in the countryside and visiting local green spaces, Earth Trust is excited to have welcomed Countryfile to Oxfordshire to learn about our approach to welcoming people while encouraging everyone to understand their role in caring for the environment.
Earth Trust recently hosted some of the Countryfile team including presenter Tom Heap. In this week’s episode (Sunday 12th July) Tom looked at the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on our green spaces as well as sharing the ways in which we can all do our bit to look after the countryside when we visit.
While many people already visit green spaces, we’ve been privileged to have welcomed plenty of new faces during the pandemic too. In fact, keeping our green spaces open has been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to welcome people who will now be experiencing the health and wellbeing benefits of nature for the first time. CEO Jayne talked to Tom about the importance of making everyone feel welcome at our green spaces, encouraging more people to spend time in nature and to look after it.
Earth Trust is currently working with the County Council, corporate partners, local organisations and communities to find ways to make green places more accessible and to help manage some of the impacts we’re currently seeing such as increased litter.
If you’d like to support our work please consider making a donation or becoming a Friend to Earth Trust. Thank you.
To see the Countryfile piece in full, catch up on BBC iPlayer now.