Celebrating our community of changemakers: Supporters’ Day 2024

Supporters’ Day is a key event in the calendar every year, and for a very good reason! It’s our chance to say ‘Thank you’ to the community that makes up everything Earth Trust is and aspires to be. We would not be where we are without our supporters, which makes this event a real highlight in the year.

Following on from the success of last year’s event, we were keen to focus the content of the day around the Earth Trust community and those that represent it, to make for engaging and insightful discussion opportunities in the room. This included speeches from outgoing CEO Jayne Manley, our recently appointed Co-Chair Frank Nigriello, and a panel made up of community representatives.

To start the day off we were once again honoured by the presentation of a rose by Oxfordshire County Council Chair, Councillor Alison Rooke, signifying the peppercorn rent agreement between Earth Trust and the Council that represents the access to local green spaces that we as a charity passionately champion. There to receive the rose with Jayne Manley was Earth Trust’s new Co-Chair Frank Nigriello.

Cllr Alison Rooke said: “The issues Earth Trust is tackling impact all of us. I’m thoroughly impressed with the vibrancy and diversity of Earth Trust’s community, and the crucial role volunteers play in their work. It’s inspiring to see such dedication to our shared environmental goals. I’m delighted to announce Earth Trust as one of my chosen charities this year, recognising their invaluable contribution to our county.”

Earth Trust Supporters' Day Oxfordshire County Council Chair

Earth Trust Supporters' Day 2024

After witnessing the historic Rose Ceremony, attendees were invited in to Fison Barn to take their seats for Jayne’s welcome (and farewell!) speech. Jayne took the opportunity to recognise the continued need for the work that Earth Trust and its community advocates:

“As human beings in our ecosystem, we need three things to be kept in balance. We need people around us, we need to work, we need to play, we need that human connection, and we need to be grounded in place. This is really important for Earth Trust too. We also need to be grounded in place, and we need to have a purpose. And I hope that when our volunteers in the audience are thinking about the place and the ecosystem that we’re creating at Earth Trust, you’re recognising what we are doing here; we’re encouraging people, place and purpose to be balanced.”

Read Jayne’s full speech here.

Earth Trust Co-Chair Frank Nigriello followed Jayne to present the charity’s impact and end-of-year results, acknowledging key achievements, contributions, financial results and future plans:

“Looking ahead, we’re continuing to work in many technical areas like pioneering landscape scale nature recovery, to bring back nature to the whole landscape. We’re promoting regenerative agriculture through best practice workshops with farmers. And we’re developing professional advisory services to influence green infrastructure investment. A key part of our stewardship of habitat is, of course across our green spaces, from our 500 hectare farm to a network of community reserves.

But perhaps one of the most exciting topics is our transformational Gateway centre development plan. It will turn Earth Trust Centre into an immersive visit, a hub that’s inclusive, that will inspire environmental action. And all the people who come, and all the people who participate, it’ll mean we can reach out and engage even more people with facilities and events that benefit not just them individually, but the communities they are in, connecting people with planet.”

Watch Frank’s full speech here.

Earth Trust supporters' Day 2024

“Earth Trust is here to remind everyone that we’re all custodians of this planet. We’re all part of one ecosystem, and to remind us that it is through this connection with nature, that we’re going to be able to care for the planet in the future.”

Jayne Manley, Earth Trust CEO

A thought-provoking panel discussion on ‘Building communities for change to deliver Nature 2030 priorities’ was chaired by Jayne. The diverse panel included Laura Payne (Earth Trust volunteer), Simon Atkinson (Director at Earth Trust), Jane Findlay (Landscape Architect and Trustee), and Mark Schmull (Arrow Planning and Corporate Member).

Laura Payne reflected on her journey with Earth Trust: “I’ve found a home here… This place represents a beacon of optimism. Being stubborn optimists in the face of climate and biodiversity crises is a real role Earth Trust can play.”

Jane Findlay emphasised the critical importance of green spaces: “Green infrastructure is fundamental to addressing health, wellbeing, nature depletion and climate change. We can’t just view it as a ‘nice to have’ – we can’t afford not to do it.”

Mark Schmull discussed creating meaningful places: “We need to create opportunities for people in future developments to enjoy the environment, while also considering the interface with existing communities.”

Supporters' Day 2024

Simon Atkinson highlighted Earth Trust’s unique position: “We can demonstrate that delivering multiple benefits from carefully planned management is both possible and essential in addressing biodiversity, climate and wellbeing crises.”

The discussion concluded with a call to action from Jane Findlay: “Earth Trust can help provide a voice for unheard communities and inspire them to expect more nature, and demand better.”

Watch the full session here.

As well as recognising the wonderful work of our supporter community, this year’s event also signified a transition in leadership as we said a fond farewell to Earth Trust CEO Jayne Manley, whose guidance and leadership have been core to developing and implementing our strategic direction for “Connecting Communities for Change”.

Thank you to everyone who attended the day, it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces that make up the Earth Trust community. Watch all the videos from the event below.

“We are creating a passionate and knowledgeable community”

Supporters’ Day attendee


After I started volunteering, Earth Trust quickly became clear that Earth Trust was a nice new home for me, and a community that I could really put roots into. I found likeminded people that understood where I was coming from, and an outlet for my itchy fingers that wanted to make a real physical difference in trying to combat the climate and biodiversity crisis.

Laura Payne, Earth Trust Volunteer