Learn about plans for River of Life II

Following the success of River of Life I, this year Earth Trust is partnering with local landowners and organisations in a wetland habitat creation project: River of Life II. The new wetlands will increase biodiversity, help manage floodwater and demonstrate the huge positive impact that specific land management techniques can have on riverside ecosystems.

We are inviting local residents to join us at our public consultation events in October, where you can find out more about the River of Life II wetlands, which will be located on the River Thames between Overy Mead and Clifton Meadow and further ponds in Little Wittenham Woods. There will be visuals on display and a project manager to talk through this ambitious and exciting project, its background and importance along with some more practical elements around local impact.

The public consultations are taking place in four locations (drop in anytime, no booking required):

  • Dorchester-on-Thames Village Hall – Thursday 17th October, 3pm-7pm
  • Long Wittenham Village Hall – Friday 18th October, 3pm-7pm
  • The Manor, Little Wittenham – Monday 21st October, 3pm-7pm
  • Clifton Hampden Village Hall – Wednesday 23rd October, 3pm-7pm

These consultations will be attended by Earth Trust and partner staff who will be on hand to answer any questions and talk through the project in more detail. There will be an opportunity for you to provide us with your feedback before we submit the planning applications later this year.